MX QR code documentation



<img src="{exp:qr_code type="" action="" tel="" data="ExpressionEngine" title="" email="" subj=""}" alt="QR code"/>


action = "" optional

Plugin has a couple pattern for QR code messages:
  • sms - send sms
  • tel - phone number
  • email - send email
  • bm - add to bookmarks
  • site - addtional data urlencode

tel = "555-5555" required for action type sms,tel

telephone number

email = "[email protected]" required for action type email


subj = "John Doe" required for action type email

subject for email

title = "My WebSite" required for action type bookmarks

Title for bookmark

size = "4" optional, default "4"

module size

ecc = "M" optional, default M

ECC level L or M or Q or H

data = ""

default data for encoding

px_color = "000000" optional, default 000000

pixel color

bk_color = "ffffff" optional, default ffffff

background color

outline_size = "2" optional, default 2

outline size


path to web root (required if you use base_cache parameter)

base_cache optional, default "/images/cache/"

path to image folder