MX Plural allows you to choose correct plural form of words in different languages.
Afrikaans(af) Albanian(sq) Arabic(ar) Belarusian(be) Bosnian(bs) Bulgarian(bz) Chinese(tw) Croatian(hr) Czech(cz) Dutch(nl) English(nl) Estonian(ee) Farsi(fa) French(fr) German(de) Greek(gr) Hebrew(il) Icelandic(is) Irish(ie) Italian(it) Japan(ja) Kazakh(kz) Latvian(lv) Lithuanian(lt) Malay(my) Mongolian(mn) Polskiy(pl) Russian(ru) Slovak(sk) Spanish(es) Turkish(tr) Ukrainian(ua) Vietnamese(vn) Welsh(cy)
- ExpressionEngine 2
<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "fr" qty = "1" str = "maison|maisons"}</code></pre>
output: <b>maison</b>
<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "fr" qty = "5" str = "maison|maisons" pattern = "%d %w"}</code></pre>
output: 5 <b>maisons</b>
<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "pl" qty = "5" str="dom|domy|domow" pattern = "%d %w" }</code></pre>
output: 5 <b>domow</b>
<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "pl" qty = "1" str = "dom|domy|domow" pattern = "%d %w"}</code></pre>
output: 1 <b>dom</b>
<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "pl" qty = "24" str = "dom|domy|domow" pattern = "%d %w"}</code></pre>
output: 24 <b>domy </b>
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